69 packages

Last scanned on Jan 19 at 08:19 AM
es5-ext 0.10.24 - 0.10.49VulnerableOutdated
ECMAScript extensions and shims
143 B
es5-ext vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service in `function#copy` and `function#toStringTokens`
Affected versions >=0.10.0 <0.10.63
Matched Modules
Version distribution in production
9 790
9 790
9 790
9 790
9 788
9 787
supports-color 5.0.1 - 7.2.0Outdated
Detect whether a terminal supports color
tslib 1.2.0 - 2.4.1Outdated
Runtime library for TypeScript helper functions
readable-stream 2.3.4 - 2.3.7Outdated
Node.js Streams, a user-land copy of the stream library from Node.js
string_decoder 1.1.0 - 1.3.0
The string_decoder module from Node core
isarray 1.0.0 - 2.0.5
Array#isArray for older browsers
react-is 16.3.0 - 16.13.1Outdated
Brand checking of React Elements.
inherits 2.0.4
Browser-friendly inheritance fully compatible with standard node.js inherits()
buffer 4.6.0 - 4.9.2Outdated
Node.js Buffer API, for the browser
axios 0.26.1Outdated
Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
core-util-is 1.0.2 - 1.0.3
The `*` functions introduced in Node v0.12.
isobject 3.0.0 - 4.0.0
Returns true if the value is an object and not an array or null.
rxjs 6.5.0 - 6.6.7Outdated
Reactive Extensions for modern JavaScript
is-plain-object 2.0.0 - 3.0.0Outdated
Returns true if an object was created by the `Object` constructor, or Object.create(null).
postcss-value-parser 4.2.0
Transforms css values and at-rule params into the tree
uri-js 3.0.0 - 4.2.1Outdated
An RFC 3986/3987 compliant, scheme extendable URI/IRI parsing/validating/resolving library for JavaScript.
base64-js 1.3.0 - 1.5.1
Base64 encoding/decoding in pure JS
events 3.0.0 - 3.3.0
Node's event emitter for all engines.
requires-port 1.0.0
Check if a protocol requires a certain port number to be added to an URL.
scheduler 0.15.0 - 0.23.0Outdated
Cooperative scheduler for the browser environment.
prop-types 15.8.0 - 15.8.1
Runtime type checking for React props and similar objects.
react 16.13.0 - 18.2.0Outdated
React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
url-parse 1.5.9 - 1.5.10
Small footprint URL parser that works seamlessly across Node.js and browser environments
make-error 1.3.4 - 1.3.6
Make your own error types!
querystringify 2.2.0
Querystringify - Small, simple but powerful query string parser.
lodash.debounce 4.0.8
The lodash method `_.debounce` exported as a module.
url 0.11.0Outdated
The core `url` packaged standalone for use with Browserify.
hoist-non-react-statics 3.3.1 - 3.3.2
Copies non-react specific statics from a child component to a parent component
@emotion/unitless 0.7.2 - 0.8.0Outdated
An object of css properties that don't accept values with units
stream-http 2.8.2 - 2.8.3Outdated
Streaming http in the browser
timers-browserify 2.0.9Outdated
timers module for browserify
querystring-es3 0.2.1
Node's querystring module for all engines. (ES3 compat fork)
luxon 0.5.8Outdated
Immutable date wrapper
shallowequal 1.0.1 - 1.1.0
Like lodash isEqualWith but for shallow equal.
polished 3.6.0 - 3.6.1Outdated
A lightweight toolset for writing styles in Javascript.
to-arraybuffer 1.0.1
Get an ArrayBuffer from a Buffer as fast as possible
camelize 0.1.2 - 1.0.1
recursively transform key strings to camel-case
css-to-react-native 3.0.0 - 3.1.0Outdated
Convert CSS text to a React Native stylesheet object
@emotion/stylis 0.8.1 - 0.8.5
A custom build of Stylis
hyphenate-style-name 1.0.3 - 1.0.4
Hyphenates a camelcased CSS property name
@reduxjs/toolkit 1.8.0 - 1.9.1Outdated
The official, opinionated, batteries-included toolset for efficient Redux development
@apollo/client 3.5.6 - 3.7.4Outdated
A fully-featured caching GraphQL client.
inline-style-prefixer 5.1.2 - 6.0.1Outdated
Run-time Autoprefixer for JavaScript style objects
babel-plugin-emotion 9.2.5 - 9.2.11Outdated
A recommended babel preprocessing plugin for emotion, The Next Generation of CSS-in-JS.
qrcode 1.5.0 - 1.5.1Outdated
QRCode / 2d Barcode api with both server side and client side support using canvas
parse-headers 2.0.3 - 2.0.5
Parse http headers, works with browserify/xhr
http-status-codes 1.0.0 - 2.2.0Outdated
Constants enumerating the HTTP status codes. Based on the Java Apache HttpStatus API.
@react-spring/shared 9.0.0 - 9.6.1Outdated
Globals and shared modules
@react-spring/animated 9.0.0 - 9.6.1Outdated
Animated component props for React
@react-spring/core 9.2.2 - 9.6.1Outdated
The platform-agnostic core of `react-spring`
create-react-class 15.7.0
Legacy API for creating React components.
@firebase/auth 0.19.6 - 0.20.2Outdated
The Firebase Authenticaton component of the Firebase JS SDK.
@auth0/auth0-spa-js 2.0.0 - 2.0.2Outdated
Auth0 SDK for Single Page Applications using Authorization Code Grant Flow with PKCE
smoothscroll-polyfill 0.4.4
Smooth Scroll behavior polyfill
search-insights 1.5.0 - 2.2.3Outdated
Library for reporting click, conversion and view metrics using the Algolia Insights API
react-dates 18.0.0 - 21.8.0
A responsive and accessible date range picker component built with React
react-native-web 0.17.7Outdated
React Native for Web
@vimeo/player 2.15.0 - 2.18.0Outdated
Interact with and control an embedded Vimeo Player.
normalize-css-color 1.0.2
Normalize a subset of CSS color values into integers
analytics 0.0.2Outdated
Lightweight analytics library for tracking events, page views, & identifying users. Works with any third party analytics provider via an extendable plugin system.
photoswipe 4.1.2 - 4.1.3Outdated
JavaScript gallery
@sanity/generate-help-url 0.0.1 - 3.0.0
Generates URLs to specific sections of the Sanity documentation
@splidejs/splide 4.0.0 - 4.1.4
Splide is a lightweight, flexible and accessible slider/carousel. No dependencies, no Lighthouse errors.
chartist 1.0.0 - 1.3.0
Simple, responsive charts
vue-resource 0.5.0 - 0.6.0Outdated
The HTTP client for Vue.js
@tannin/plural-forms 1.0.0 - 1.1.0
Compiles a function to compute the plural forms index for a given value
picturefill 2.3.0 - 2.3.1Outdated
A responsive image polyfill.
react-dictate-button 2.0.0 - 2.0.1
A button to start dictation using Web Speech API, with an easy to understand event lifecycle.
react-amphtml 3.0.0 - 3.1.1Outdated
Use amphtml components inside your React apps easily!