jimdo.com 144 packages

Last scanned on Oct 27 at 07:04 PM
next 9.3.2 - 13.0.0VulnerableOutdated
The React Framework
Next.js missing cache-control header may lead to CDN caching empty reply
Affected versions >=0.9.9 <13.4.20-canary.13
Version distribution in production
2 349
2 346
2 346
2 335
2 334
2 293
tslib x.x.x
Runtime library for TypeScript helper functions
uuid 8.3.2Outdated
RFC4122 (v1, v4, and v5) UUIDs
react-is 18.0.0 - 18.2.0
Brand checking of React Elements.
camelcase 5.3.1Outdated
Convert a dash/dot/underscore/space separated string to camelCase or PascalCase: `foo-bar` → `fooBar`
form-data 1.0.0 - 4.0.0
A library to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams. Can be used to submit forms and file uploads to other web applications.
@babel/runtime 7.18.2 - 7.18.3Outdated
babel's modular runtime helpers
lodash 4.17.21
Lodash modular utilities.
axios 0.24.0Outdated
Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
is-plain-obj 4.1.0
Check if a value is a plain object
is-buffer 2.0.0 - 2.0.5
Determine if an object is a Buffer
xtend 4.0.1 - 4.0.2
extend like a boss
extend 3.0.2
Port of jQuery.extend for node.js and the browser
scheduler 0.20.2Outdated
Cooperative scheduler for the browser environment.
prop-types 15.8.0 - 15.8.1
Runtime type checking for React props and similar objects.
react 17.0.2Outdated
React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
react-dom 17.0.2Outdated
React package for working with the DOM.
clsx 1.1.1 - 1.2.1Outdated
A tiny (239B) utility for constructing className strings conditionally.
hoist-non-react-statics 3.3.1 - 3.3.2
Copies non-react specific statics from a child component to a parent component
cross-fetch x.x.x
Universal WHATWG Fetch API for Node, Browsers and React Native
unist-util-visit-parents 5.0.0 - 5.1.1Outdated
unist utility to recursively walk over nodes, with ancestral information
invariant 2.2.3 - 2.2.4
unist-util-is 5.1.1Outdated
unist utility to check if a node passes a test
unist-util-visit 4.0.0 - 4.1.1Outdated
unist utility to visit nodes
classnames 2.3.0 - 2.3.1Outdated
A simple utility for conditionally joining classNames together
mdast-util-to-string 3.1.0Outdated
mdast utility to get the plain text content of a node
unist-util-stringify-position 3.0.1 - 3.0.2Outdated
unist utility to serialize a node, position, or point as a human readable location
graphql 15.4.0 - 15.8.0Outdated
A Query Language and Runtime which can target any service.
vfile-message 3.1.1 - 3.1.2Outdated
vfile utility to create a virtual message
@popperjs/core 2.11.3 - 2.11.5Outdated
Tooltip and Popover Positioning Engine
unified 10.0.0 - 10.1.2Outdated
parse, inspect, transform, and serialize content through syntax trees
vfile 5.1.0 - 5.3.5Outdated
Virtual file format for text processing
lodash-es 4.17.21
Lodash exported as ES modules.
react-fast-compare 3.1.0 - 3.2.0Outdated
Fastest deep equal comparison for React. Great for React.memo & shouldComponentUpdate. Also really fast general-purpose deep comparison.
space-separated-tokens 1.1.3 - 2.0.1Outdated
Parse and stringify space separated tokens
warning 4.0.3
A mirror of Facebook's Warning
remark-parse 10.0.0 - 10.0.1Outdated
remark plugin to add support for parsing markdown input
js-cookie 2.2.1Outdated
A simple, lightweight JavaScript API for handling cookies
trough 2.1.0Outdated
`trough` is middleware
parse-entities x.x.x
Parse HTML character references
bail 1.0.0 - 2.0.2
Throw a given error
mdurl 0.0.1 - 1.0.1Outdated
URL utilities for markdown-it
micromark 3.0.1Outdated
small commonmark compliant markdown parser with positional info and concrete tokens
mdast-util-from-markdown x.x.x
mdast utility to parse markdown
mdast-util-definitions 5.1.0 - 5.1.1Outdated
mdast utility to find definition nodes in a tree
property-information 6.1.1Outdated
Info on the properties and attributes of the web platform
comma-separated-tokens 2.0.0 - 2.0.2Outdated
Parse and stringify comma-separated tokens
style-to-object 0.2.3 - 0.3.0Outdated
Parse CSS inline style to JavaScript object.
micromark-util-character 1.0.0 - 1.1.0Outdated
micromark utility to handle character codes
unist-util-position 4.0.2 - 4.0.3Outdated
unist utility to get the position of a node
mdast-util-to-hast 12.1.2Outdated
mdast utility to transform to hast
inline-style-parser 0.1.0 - 0.1.1Outdated
An inline style parser.
mitt 1.1.3 - 1.2.0Outdated
Tiny 200b functional Event Emitter / pubsub.
@mdx-js/react 1.6.2 - 1.6.22Outdated
React context for MDX
micromark-factory-space 1.0.0Outdated
micromark factory to parse markdown space (found in lots of places)
i18next 21.6.5Outdated
i18next internationalization framework
micromark-util-chunked 1.0.0Outdated
micromark utility to splice and push with giant arrays
micromark-util-decode-numeric-character-reference 1.0.0Outdated
micromark utility to decode numeric character references
micromark-util-resolve-all 1.0.0Outdated
micromark utility to resolve subtokens
micromark-util-classify-character 1.0.0Outdated
micromark utility to classify whether a character is whitespace or punctuation
micromark-util-normalize-identifier 1.0.0Outdated
micromark utility normalize identifiers (as found in references, definitions)
micromark-util-decode-string 1.0.0 - 1.0.2Outdated
micromark utility to decode markdown strings
micromark-core-commonmark 1.0.6Outdated
The CommonMark markdown constructs
micromark-util-subtokenize 1.0.0 - 1.0.2Outdated
micromark utility to tokenize subtokens
micromark-factory-whitespace 1.0.0Outdated
micromark factory to parse markdown whitespace (found in lots of places)
micromark-util-combine-extensions 1.0.0Outdated
micromark utility to combine syntax or html extensions
micromark-factory-label 1.0.0 - 1.0.2Outdated
micromark factory to parse labels (found in media, definitions)
micromark-factory-destination 1.0.0Outdated
micromark factory to parse destinations (found in resources, definitions)
micromark-factory-title 1.0.0 - 1.0.2Outdated
micromark factory to parse markdown titles (found in resources, definitions)
micromark-util-html-tag-name 1.0.0 - 1.1.0Outdated
micromark utility with list of html tag names
unist-util-generated 1.1.6 - 2.0.0Outdated
unist utility to check if a node is generated
extract-files 6.0.0 - 8.1.0Outdated
A function to recursively extract files and their object paths within a value, replacing them with null in a deep clone without mutating the original value. FileList instances are treated as File instance arrays. Files are typically File and Blob instance
graphql-request 3.6.0 - 4.1.0Outdated
Minimal GraphQL client supporting Node and browsers for scripts or simple apps
decode-named-character-reference x.x.x
Decode named character references
hast-util-whitespace 2.0.0Outdated
hast utility to check if a node is inter-element whitespace
remark-rehype 10.0.0 - 10.1.0Outdated
remark plugin that turns markdown into HTML to support rehype
unist-builder 3.0.0Outdated
unist utility to create a new trees with a nice syntax
react-i18next 11.12.0 - 11.16.2Outdated
Internationalization for react done right. Using the i18next i18n ecosystem.
@vue/reactivity 3.2.13 - 3.2.41Outdated
react-markdown 8.0.0 - 8.0.3Outdated
React component to render markdown
exenv 1.1.0 - 1.2.2
React's ExecutionEnvironment module extracted for use in other packages & components
object-path 0.11.8
Access deep object properties using a path
seedrandom 3.0.4 - 3.0.5
Seeded random number generator for Javascript.
react-side-effect 2.1.0 - 2.1.2
Create components whose prop changes map to a global side effect
react-helmet 6.0.0 - 6.1.0
A document head manager for React
tippy.js 6.0.0 - 6.3.7
The complete tooltip, popover, dropdown, and menu solution for the web
create-react-class 15.7.0
Legacy API for creating React components.
react-use 13.12.0 - 17.4.0Outdated
Collection of React Hooks
xstate 3.3.0 - 3.3.3Outdated
Finite State Machines and Statecharts for the Modern Web.
react-modal 3.14.1 - 3.16.1
Accessible modal dialog component for React.JS
react-intl 3.0.0 - 4.5.0Outdated
Internationalize React apps. This library provides React components and an API to format dates, numbers, and strings, including pluralization and handling translations.
react-query 3.24.2 - 3.24.6Outdated
Hooks for managing, caching and syncing asynchronous and remote data in React
element-resize-detector 1.2.4
Resize event emitter for elements.
qrcode.react 0.9.0 - 2.0.0Outdated
React component to generate QR codes
batch-processor 1.0.0
Batch processing in JS
qr.js 0.0.0
qrcode encoding in javascript
@chakra-ui/theme 2.1.0 - 2.1.3Outdated
The default theme for chakra components
smoothscroll-polyfill 0.4.4
Smooth Scroll behavior polyfill
@tippyjs/react 4.2.6
React component for Tippy.js
ev-emitter 1.1.1Outdated
lil' event emitter
@loadable/component 5.13.2 - 5.15.2Outdated
React code splitting made easy.
get-size 2.0.3Outdated
measures element size
gatsby-legacy-polyfills 2.1.0 - 2.15.0Outdated
Polyfills for legacy browsers
gatsby 4.15.0 - 4.18.2Outdated
Blazing fast modern site generator for React
fizzy-ui-utils 2.0.7Outdated
UI utilities
gatsby-link 4.18.0 - 4.18.1Outdated
An enhanced Link component for Gatsby sites with support for resource prefetching
gatsby-page-utils 2.15.0 - 2.24.1Outdated
Gatsby library that helps creating pages
gatsby-react-router-scroll 4.5.0 - 5.15.0Outdated
React Router scroll management forked from https://github.com/ytase/react-router-scroll for Gatsby
desandro-matches-selector 2.0.2
matches/matchesSelector helper
shallow-compare 1.2.1 - 1.2.2
Stand alone shallowCompare for use in libraries that support shouldComponentUpdate
@builder.io/partytown 0.5.4Outdated
Relocate resource intensive third-party scripts off of the main thread and into a web worker.
@gatsbyjs/reach-router 1.3.6 - 1.3.7Outdated
Gatsby's fork to modernize reach-router
imagesloaded 4.1.4Outdated
JavaScript is all like _You images done yet or what?_
gatsby-script 1.0.1 - 1.3.0Outdated
An enhanced script component for Gatsby sites with support for various loading strategies
outlayer 2.1.1
the brains and guts of a layout library
masonry-layout 4.2.0 - 4.2.2
Cascading grid layout library
gatsby-plugin-image 2.14.1 - 2.15.0Outdated
Adding responsive images to your site while maintaining high performance scores can be difficult to do manually. The Gatsby Image plugin handles the hard parts of producing images in multiple sizes and formats for you!
react-masonry-component 6.1.0 - 6.3.0
A masonry component for React.js
autocomplete.js 0.7.0 - 0.38.1
Fast and fully-featured autocomplete library
gatsby-plugin-mdx 1.2.39 - 3.20.0Outdated
MDX integration for Gatsby
@jimdo/consent-management x.x.x
@jimdo/jimdo-cookies x.x.x
gatsby-plugin-smoothscroll x.x.x
@jimdo/frontend-tracking x.x.x
@fullstory/browser x.x.x
@jimdo/pricing-table x.x.x
@ckies/library x.x.x
@jimdo/consent-management-tracking x.x.x
@jimdo/growth-tools x.x.x
@jimdo/ui x.x.x
lodash.findlastindex x.x.x
@egjs/hammerjs x.x.x
@egjs/agent x.x.x
@egjs/component x.x.x
@egjs/axes x.x.x
@egjs/imready x.x.x
@egjs/list-differ x.x.x
@egjs/children-differ x.x.x
@egjs/react-flicking x.x.x
@jimdo/monitoring x.x.x
micromark-util-encode x.x.x
micromark-util-sanitize-uri x.x.x
trim-lines x.x.x
@egjs/flicking x.x.x