welcometothejungle.com 149 packages

Last scanned on Jan 19 at 08:42 AM
lodash 4.17.16VulnerableOutdated
Lodash modular utilities.
7 KB
Command Injection in lodash
Affected versions >=0 <4.17.21
Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) in lodash
Affected versions >=0 <4.17.21
Prototype Pollution in lodash
Affected versions >=3.7.0 <4.17.19
Matched Modules
Version distribution in production
3 846
trim 0.0.1VulnerableOutdated
Trim string whitespace
readable-stream 3.6.0Outdated
Node.js Streams, a user-land copy of the stream library from Node.js
string_decoder 1.1.0 - 1.3.0
The string_decoder module from Node core
uuid 7.0.0 - 8.0.0Outdated
RFC4122 (v1, v4, and v5) UUIDs
react-is 16.3.0 - 18.2.0Outdated
Brand checking of React Elements.
inherits 2.0.4
Browser-friendly inheritance fully compatible with standard node.js inherits()
qs 6.11.0Outdated
A querystring parser that supports nesting and arrays, with a depth limit
mime 2.6.0 - 3.0.0Outdated
A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
buffer 5.7.0 - 6.0.3
Node.js Buffer API, for the browser
@babel/runtime 7.20.5 - 7.20.7Outdated
babel's modular runtime helpers
get-intrinsic 1.1.3Outdated
Get and robustly cache all JS language-level intrinsics at first require time
function-bind 1.1.0 - 1.1.1Outdated
Implementation of Function.prototype.bind
call-bind 1.0.2Outdated
Robustly `.call.bind()` a function
object-inspect 1.12.2 - 1.12.3Outdated
string representations of objects in node and the browser
has-symbols 1.0.2 - 1.0.3
Determine if the JS environment has Symbol support. Supports spec, or shams.
rxjs 5.0.0 - 7.8.0Outdated
Reactive Extensions for modern JavaScript
is-plain-obj 1.1.0Outdated
Check if a value is a plain object
side-channel 1.0.4Outdated
Store information about any JS value in a side channel. Uses WeakMap if available.
has-property-descriptors 1.0.0Outdated
Does the environment have full property descriptor support? Handles IE 8's broken defineProperty/gOPD.
es-abstract 1.18.7 - 1.20.4Outdated
ECMAScript spec abstract operations.
base64-js 1.3.0 - 1.5.1
Base64 encoding/decoding in pure JS
define-properties 1.1.4Outdated
Define multiple non-enumerable properties at once. Uses `Object.defineProperty` when available; falls back to standard assignment in older engines.
is-callable 1.2.7
Is this JS value callable? Works with Functions and GeneratorFunctions, despite ES6 @@toStringTag.
has-tostringtag 1.0.0Outdated
Determine if the JS environment has `Symbol.toStringTag` support. Supports spec, or shams.
events 3.0.0 - 3.3.0
Node's event emitter for all engines.
is-buffer 1.1.4 - 1.1.6Outdated
Determine if an object is a Buffer
which-typed-array 1.1.6 - 1.1.9Outdated
Which kind of Typed Array is this JavaScript value? Works cross-realm, without `instanceof`, and despite Symbol.toStringTag.
object-keys 1.1.0 - 1.1.1
An Object.keys replacement, in case Object.keys is not available. From https://github.com/es-shims/es5-shim
deepmerge 4.2.2Outdated
A library for deep (recursive) merging of Javascript objects
is-typed-array 1.1.7 - 1.1.10Outdated
Is this value a JS Typed Array? This module works cross-realm/iframe, does not depend on `instanceof` or mutable properties, and despite ES6 Symbol.toStringTag.
available-typed-arrays 1.0.5Outdated
Returns an array of Typed Array names that are available in the current environment
util 0.12.0 - 0.12.5
Node.js's util module for all engines
for-each 0.3.3
A better forEach
extend 3.0.2
Port of jQuery.extend for node.js and the browser
has 1.0.1 - 1.0.3Outdated
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call shortcut
scheduler 0.15.0 - 0.23.0Outdated
Cooperative scheduler for the browser environment.
prop-types 15.8.0 - 15.8.1
Runtime type checking for React props and similar objects.
is-arguments 1.1.1
Is this an arguments object? It's a harder question than you think.
react 16.13.0 - 18.2.0Outdated
React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
is-generator-function 1.0.10
Determine if a function is a native generator function.
url 0.11.0Outdated
The core `url` packaged standalone for use with Browserify.
lodash.memoize 4.1.0 - 4.1.2
The lodash method `_.memoize` exported as a module.
date-fns 2.29.3Outdated
Modern JavaScript date utility library
object-is 1.1.0 - 1.1.5Outdated
ES2015-compliant shim for Object.is - differentiates between -0 and +0
repeat-string 1.6.0 - 1.6.1
Repeat the given string n times. Fastest implementation for repeating a string.
hoist-non-react-statics 3.3.1 - 3.3.2
Copies non-react specific statics from a child component to a parent component
querystring 0.2.0Outdated
Node's querystring module for all engines.
unist-util-visit-parents 2.1.0 - 3.0.2Outdated
unist utility to recursively walk over nodes, with ancestral information
unist-util-is 3.0.0 - 4.0.2Outdated
unist utility to check if a node passes a test
path-browserify 1.0.0 - 1.0.1
the path module from node core for browsers
unist-util-visit 1.4.0 - 2.0.3Outdated
unist utility to visit nodes
classnames 2.3.2Outdated
A simple utility for conditionally joining classNames together
assert 2.0.0Outdated
The assert module from Node.js, for the browser.
unist-util-stringify-position 1.1.1 - 1.1.2Outdated
unist utility to serialize a node, position, or point as a human readable location
common-tags 1.8.1Outdated
a few common utility template tags for ES2015
ramda 0.24.0 - 0.28.0Outdated
A practical functional library for JavaScript programmers.
whatwg-fetch 3.4.0 - 3.6.2Outdated
A window.fetch polyfill.
vfile-message 1.0.0 - 2.0.4Outdated
vfile utility to create a virtual message
unified 6.2.0 - 7.0.0Outdated
parse, inspect, transform, and serialize content through syntax trees
vfile 2.1.0 - 4.2.0Outdated
Virtual file format for text processing
@sentry/utils 7.17.0 - 7.30.0Outdated
Utilities for all Sentry JavaScript SDKs
react-router 6.4.3 - 6.7.0Outdated
Declarative routing for React
@sentry/core 7.16.0 - 7.31.1Outdated
Base implementation for all Sentry JavaScript SDKs
lodash-es 4.17.21
Lodash exported as ES modules.
react-router-dom 6.4.4 - 6.7.0Outdated
Declarative routing for React web applications
redux 4.1.0 - 4.2.0Outdated
Predictable state container for JavaScript apps
react-fast-compare 3.1.0 - 3.2.0Outdated
Fastest deep equal comparison for React. Great for React.memo & shouldComponentUpdate. Also really fast general-purpose deep comparison.
stream-http 3.2.0
Streaming http in the browser
remark-parse 5.0.0Outdated
remark plugin to add support for parsing markdown input
trough 1.0.3 - 1.0.5Outdated
`trough` is middleware
bail 1.0.0 - 2.0.2
Throw a given error
is-alphabetical 1.0.0 - 2.0.0Outdated
Check if a character is alphabetical
is-decimal 1.0.0 - 2.0.0Outdated
Check if a character is decimal
is-hexadecimal 1.0.0 - 2.0.0Outdated
Check if a character is hexadecimal
react-redux 5.0.3 - 8.0.5Outdated
Official React bindings for Redux
shallowequal 1.0.1 - 1.1.0
Like lodash isEqualWith but for shallow equal.
replace-ext 0.0.1 - 1.0.0Outdated
Replaces a file extension with another one.
toposort 2.0.2
Topological sort of directed ascyclic graphs (like dependecy lists)
is-nan 1.3.1 - 1.3.2
ES2015-compliant shim for Number.isNaN - the global isNaN returns false positives.
p-is-promise 3.0.0 - 4.0.0
Check if something is a promise
styled-components 4.0.0 - 5.3.6Outdated
CSS for the <Component> Age. Style components your way with speed, strong typing, and flexibility.
copy-to-clipboard 3.3.2 - 3.3.3
Copy stuff into clipboard using JS with fallbacks
property-expr 2.0.5Outdated
tiny util for getting and setting deep object props safely
unist-util-remove-position 1.1.0 - 3.0.0Outdated
unist utility to remove positions from a tree
toggle-selection 1.0.5 - 1.0.6
Toggle current selected content in browser
vfile-location 2.0.0 - 3.0.1Outdated
vfile utility to convert between positional (line and column-based) and offset (range-based) locations
react-hook-form 6.0.0 - 6.9.2Outdated
Performant, flexible and extensible forms library for React Hooks
react-popper 2.2.5 - 2.3.0
Official library to use Popper on React projects
hash-sum 2.0.0
Blazing fast unique hash generator
intl-messageformat 9.13.0 - 10.2.5Outdated
Formats ICU Message strings with number, date, plural, and select placeholders to create localized messages.
framer-motion 6.3.9 - 7.0.0Outdated
A simple and powerful JavaScript animation library
collapse-white-space 1.0.0 - 2.0.0Outdated
Collapse white space
attr-accept 2.2.2
JavaScript implementation of the "accept" attribute for HTML5 <input type="file">
unherit 1.1.0 - 1.1.3Outdated
Create a subclass that can be modified without affecting the super class
react-markdown 4.0.3 - 4.3.1Outdated
React component to render markdown
@formatjs/fast-memoize 1.1.0 - 1.2.7Outdated
fork of fast-memoize and support esm
@angular/router 3.0.0 - 3.4.10Outdated
Angular - the routing library
trim-trailing-lines 1.1.4 - 2.0.0Outdated
Remove final line feeds from a string
is-whitespace-character 1.0.0 - 2.0.1
Check if a character is a whitespace character
state-toggle 1.0.0 - 2.0.1Outdated
Enter/exit a state
markdown-escapes 1.0.0 - 1.0.4Outdated
Legacy list of escapable characters in markdown
is-word-character 1.0.0 - 2.0.1
Check if a character is a word character
@sentry/tracing 7.19.0 - 7.31.0Outdated
Sentry Performance Monitoring Package
react-onclickoutside 6.2.0 - 6.12.2Outdated
An onClickOutside wrapper for React components
es6-object-assign 1.0.0 - 1.1.0
ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) Object.assign polyfill and ponyfill
framesync 4.1.0 - 6.1.2
A frame-synced render loop for JavaScript
react-side-effect 2.1.0 - 2.1.2
Create components whose prop changes map to a global side effect
react-helmet 6.0.0 - 6.1.0
A document head manager for React
create-react-class 15.7.0
Legacy API for creating React components.
recharts 1.0.0 - 1.8.6Outdated
React charts
xstate 4.7.0 - 4.35.2Outdated
Finite State Machines and Statecharts for the Modern Web.
react-intl 5.25.0 - 6.2.5Outdated
Internationalize React apps. This library provides React components and an API to format dates, numbers, and strings, including pluralization and handling translations.
react-query 4.0.0Outdated
Hooks for managing, caching and syncing asynchronous and remote data in React
element-resize-detector 1.2.4
Resize event emitter for elements.
batch-processor 1.0.0
Batch processing in JS
popmotion 10.0.0 - 11.0.5
The animator's toolbox
style-value-types 5.0.0 - 5.1.2
Parsers, transformers and tests for special value types, eg: %, hex codes etc.
@material-ui/core 1.0.0 - 4.12.4
React components that implement Google's Material Design.
load-script 1.0.0 - 2.0.0
Dynamic script loading for browser
@formatjs/intl 2.2.3 - 2.6.3Outdated
Internationalize JS apps. This library provides an API to format dates, numbers, and strings, including pluralization and handling translations.
redux-saga 0.15.0 - 0.16.2Outdated
Saga middleware for Redux to handle Side Effects
redux-persist 4.4.0 - 4.5.0Outdated
persist and rehydrate redux stores
react-player 2.10.0 - 2.11.0Outdated
A React component for playing a variety of URLs, including file paths, YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, SoundCloud, Streamable, Vimeo, Wistia and DailyMotion
body-scroll-lock 3.1.4 - 3.1.5Outdated
Enables body scroll locking (for iOS Mobile and Tablet, Android, desktop Safari/Chrome/Firefox) without breaking scrolling of a target element (eg. modal/lightbox/flyouts/nav-menus)
algoliasearch-helper 3.11.1Outdated
Helper for implementing advanced search features with algolia
@auth0/auth0-spa-js 2.0.0 - 2.0.2Outdated
Auth0 SDK for Single Page Applications using Authorization Code Grant Flow with PKCE
diacritics 1.2.0 - 1.3.0
remove diacritics from strings
i18n-iso-countries 3.0.0 - 7.5.0Outdated
i18n for ISO 3166-1 country codes
@chakra-ui/theme 2.1.0 - 2.1.3Outdated
The default theme for chakra components
ev-emitter 1.1.1Outdated
lil' event emitter
mdast-add-list-metadata 1.0.1 - 1.1.0
Enhances the metadata of list and listItem nodes
connected-react-router 6.9.0 - 6.9.3
A Redux binding for React Router v4 and v5
react-instantsearch-core 6.26.0 - 6.38.1Outdated
⚡ Lightning-fast search for React, by Algolia
bootstrap-vue 2.0.0 - 2.15.0Outdated
With more than 85 components, over 45 available plugins, several directives, and 1000+ icons, BootstrapVue provides one of the most comprehensive implementations of the Bootstrap v4 component and grid system available for Vue.js v2.6, complete with extens
react-animate-height 2.1.1Outdated
Lightweight React component for animating height using CSS transitions.
desandro-matches-selector 2.0.0 - 2.0.1Outdated
matches/matchesSelector helper
remove-markdown 0.5.0
Remove Markdown formatting from text
lodash.range 3.2.0
The lodash method `_.range` exported as a module.
react-instantsearch-dom 5.4.0 - 6.38.3Outdated
⚡ Lightning-fast search for React DOM, by Algolia
reakit-utils 0.15.1 - 0.15.2
Reakit utils
reakit-system 0.13.0 - 0.15.2
Reakit System utils
reakit 1.3.7 - 1.3.11
Toolkit for building accessible rich web apps with React
react-schemaorg 0.1.0 - 2.0.0
Typed Schema.org JSON-LD in React
@tannin/plural-forms 1.0.0 - 1.1.0
Compiles a function to compute the plural forms index for a given value
react-tracking 4.1.0 - 5.4.0Outdated
Declarative tracking for React apps.
@researchgate/react-intersection-observer 1.2.0 - 1.3.5
React component for the Intersection Observer API
lottie-api 1.0.0 - 1.0.2Outdated
A library to edit lottie-web animations dynamically
prebid.js 6.15.0 - 7.32.0Outdated
Header Bidding Management Library